Upgradeable SATA to USB cloning cable.
This is the cable we use in our SSD cloning kits, it is available to be bought separately if you already have an SSD.
Cable is PC and Apple compatible.
Cable can be used on some 2.5 inch mechanical hard drives, but that is not what it has been designed for. The cable draws enough power to run an SSD, but not all standard mechanical hard drives. It will not work on a 3.5 inch hard drive, you will require an external case that has it's own power supply.
To clone your drive to an SSD, the process is the same for a PC or a Mac. Plug SATA connection to new SSD and the other end goes into the USB of your computer. Initialise the SSD. Open clone software and clone from old drive to new SSD. After clone has finished replace the hard drive with the newly cloned SSD.
We no longer include software in our clone kits. Crucial have changed the Acronis software they use, you must have a Crucial SSD to use the new Acronis for Crucial software that comes with the Crucial SSD.
For Macs we recommend SuperDuper! cloning software, it is a free download, you do not need the paid version.
For PC we recommend Acronis that comes with the Crucial SSD. However if you are using a different brand of SSD then use Macrium Reflect Workstation. This link goes to a 30 day trial version, which what Upgradeable uses in our office for cloning customer's computers.